2016 flying by fast

Hello out there! Hope you are all having a fantastic year so far! Its been a year of joy and pain for me thus far. The joy part being that I’m building a house with the love of my life, taking the time to learn as much and do as much of the work that we can. The pain part being that I’m not really cut out for construction work so my body has new aches and pains daily. I was hoping to have my new album done by now and ready for summer but its not looking too good. I have about 80% of it complete, but just need to add some special touches and some new material to make it complete. Please be patient, it will be worth it, I promise!

I hope to see all of you out this year at a show! I have a schedule full of exciting concerts of everything from just me to jamming some great duos and playing with several local bands , The Blue Mustangs and Colby Acuff Band. I am blessed to be in such great company and be able to make my living here in the beautiful Inland Northwest. Thanks so much for the support and see you on the road!!